Comments on: How to Calm Bees With Sugar Spray Thu, 11 Nov 2021 23:43:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: jim dowling Thu, 11 Nov 2021 23:43:31 +0000 Hello, i have been using sugar water inplace of smoke this season. i learned on You Tube that adding ProHealth to the water prevents the sugar water from fermenting. By so doing it should last a season. The sugar water system is so easy to use but not quite as effective as smoke as it does not seem to keep the bees down as long.

By: Shelby Wed, 25 Aug 2021 16:21:02 +0000 What does 1:1 ratio mean? Are you saying for instance 1c of water to 1 c of sugar? I was told it was 1lb sugar to 1 gallon of water? Is that incorrect?

By: Noah Sun, 09 May 2021 00:02:34 +0000 I’m hoping you can message me on this technique. I have a lot of questions about it.

Currently I’m doing it. But there’s a few bugs I’m trying to work out.

When I zap a bee it will calm right down. But usually I can’t zap all of them before at least one or two gets defensive. And the bees are faster than I am. So I’m not sure if I can actually calm all of them before beginning work. (?)

Also, one of my hives was acting slightly defensive today when I did this. And I can’t tell if its the hive actually being defensive or if I’m not doing the technique right.

In some of the techniques for spraying water sugar, etc you add lemongrass oil or spearment.oil drops (not many). I’m curious which combination of oil droplets in the bottle is best.

Are you spraying the whole hive before you even go to work the bees, or are you supposed to only spray those that decide to ‘test you’? This part I’m not sure about either.

Doing it this way I have to wear a veil. And to be fair I don’t get stung yet…but the one hive that was slightly defensive tried several times today. But my other hives don’t. I’m trying to also figure out if going into the hives more than once a week is making them agitated? (I had to move them recently…and there was a queen cup so I had to go in 2 this week.) I’m also trying to figure out if the interval between how often you go in is the same or different for smokers compared to calm

I can be emailed at noahriding @ gmail dot com.

How much of being a bit defensive is the hive compared to not using a smoker?

By: Kess Sat, 08 Aug 2020 16:53:46 +0000 Also one more thing if I use sugar water would I use a light spray or a mist setting on the bottle of sugar?

By: Kess Sat, 08 Aug 2020 16:48:47 +0000 So if I use the smoke / sugar water spray combo It should reduce them from flying crazy and to help reduce mites? I get really nervous when a bunch start flying crazy and start flying in the front of my face net I also think I have mites dunno tho they seem to be in the combs and not on the bees guessing it might be a different mite any idea?

By: Ron Short Thu, 30 Apr 2020 12:38:44 +0000 Sugar water sprays when temps can get below 60 degrees can be risky. I assume experienced bee keepers will know this but new beeks should know this can cause your bees to get dangerously chilled in colder weather, especially when it is already humid.

By: Barbara Stanley Thu, 30 Apr 2020 03:08:39 +0000 I have used a spray solution with sugar and a bit of ProHealth when working in my hives for several years. I never use a smoker. It is much easier for me and my bees stay calmer.

By: Leo Ogallo Thu, 13 Jun 2019 13:03:20 +0000 Thanks. I found the information valuable and will apply soon. Some people think the sugar water spray acts by weighing down the bees, at least during the harvest.

By: Grant Insley Thu, 21 Feb 2019 18:42:50 +0000 Forgot to mention I use Top Bar Hives of my own construction. All bees are dusted this way. Yes, wasps and robbers are attracted. To mitigate I use robber screens all year, have had no issues since fitting them. Since reading this article I’ve tried sugar water spray and decided it’s easier to spray than dust……
The duster I was using is a barbers talc duster.

By: Robert Crawford Thu, 21 Feb 2019 14:41:01 +0000 I would think that would incorange robbing , ?
