Comments on: WHAT TO DO WITH THAT HOLIDAY BEEKEEPING KIT Wed, 27 Dec 2017 21:48:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: susan rudnicki Wed, 27 Dec 2017 21:48:05 +0000 “6 comments”? I only see four

By: Hilary Kearney Tue, 26 Dec 2017 21:24:58 +0000 In reply to susan rudnicki.

Well, it’s interesting that we do the same work and are in neighboring cities yet have different experiences or have the same experiences and interpret them differently. Such is beekeeping.

By: susan rudnicki Tue, 26 Dec 2017 19:09:34 +0000 In reply to Hilary Kearney.

HI thanks for writing back! My concern with the wording is this “…you could be in an Africanized zone and many of the wild swarm in these areas will develop hyper defensive traits as they get established. ”
“..many WILL” is not my experience with the bees I help my students obtain or the bees I keep for clients or the bees in my apiaries. You’re quite right that folks without training or mentoring can get “in over their head” That’s the hard lesson I learned with giving away colonies and swarms and never do it now. Students have to pay and sign a contract listing our respective responsibilities and expectations, and I require reading and on site work in my apiaries to demonstrate confidence. I strongly emphasize the diligence to training since most neighbors are NOT beeks and the reputation of all beeks is damaged with nuisance moves. I don’t teach as many students as you mention. I want a stronger connection and find about 8-10 is what I can carry reliably and keep on top of the other work.

By: Hilary Kearney Tue, 26 Dec 2017 18:37:20 +0000 In reply to susan rudnicki.

Hi Susan, I am in San Diego with 80 feral colonies and I teach hundreds of new beekeepers each year in my area. I 100% agree with you about the value of feral bees, but it is careless not to warn about their potential defensiveness. I said MANY will. Not all. What I often see is a new and clueless beekeeper get in over their head with a colony that you or I might handle just fine. This article is geared towards new beekeepers and it has been my experience that most new beekeepers do not yet have the skill to keep AHB calm during inspections. They get their bees worked up and then the neighbors get stung and that is how urban beekeepers lose their hard fought bee-friendly ordinances. The powers that be in my town are constantly threatening us with this possibility.

By: susan rudnicki Tue, 26 Dec 2017 17:26:30 +0000 Very concise and well modulated article, till this “…many of the wild swarm in these areas will develop hyper defensive traits as they get established.” Please—do NOT disseminate this mythology any more widely than it already is. I live in Los Angeles and have hived 62 feral swarms and structural removal colonies since last February. Our feral population is AHB genetics. NONE of them have proven to be aggressive once grown on. They ARE very naturally Varroa resistant and self supporting, which is why I never hive any other type of bees. In seven years since I became a beek, I have re-homed to a remote beek, only 2 colonies I felt were too hot to keep in the narrow confines of urban LA. All my students are taught structural removal techniques as the starting point for interaction with honey bees, since viewing a natural hive, in situ, is one of the most instructive learning opportunities possible. There are areas of more ferocious stock out there in some Southern states, but it is not accurate to portray feral survivor stock, adapted to the local community, as “…WILL develop hyper defensive traits” if in the Southern states. Researchers, by the way, as far north as Connecticut, are discerning AHB genetic markers in those ferals. Resilient genetics tends to serve the organisms purposes to survive.

By: Dale Thu, 19 Jan 2017 18:57:56 +0000 Very well written article and highly beneficial. Thank you for posting.

By: catherine wyllen Fri, 06 Jan 2017 02:10:00 +0000 i did not get beehive kit how much does it cost ?
