Comments on: The Ethics of Bee Keeping Mon, 02 Oct 2017 14:02:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jim Jungwirth Mon, 02 Oct 2017 14:02:01 +0000 In reply to Dee.

Years ago I read a story of a similar problem with a neighbor. The answer then had to do with the fact that putting up a barrier–like a sheet–between the two properties trained the bees to go over the top of the barrier–higher than the neighbor was tall. After several days of flying weather–the sheet was removed but the bees continued to follow the same flight path. For the entire year!! I know this doesn’t keep the bees from being poisoned when visiting the neighbor’s tree.
Good luck.

By: Bruce Sun, 01 Oct 2017 01:48:29 +0000 In reply to STEPHEN.

we beekeepers have a saying: If your neighbor has a problem with your bees….you had a problem with your neighbor before you got your bees….

By: Dee Thu, 28 Sep 2017 21:58:42 +0000 Animals and insects obey their Creator, while man is inclined to disobey his Creator and do the bidding of the Father of Lies.

By: Debbie B. Thu, 28 Sep 2017 21:55:05 +0000 In reply to STEPHEN.

Inform your neighbor that, while the tree is mostly self fertile, bees will increase the fruit production, and he might as well remove the mango tree, as why bother having it if he doesn’t Want more mangoes(?). Research showed that 50 different insects, including your native bees, flies, and honey bees, come into contact with the reproductive parts of the flowers. Inquire as to how he’s going to So selective of the pollinators, and if he sprays poison on his tree, the poison will become part of the fruit, build up over time inside his precious granddaughter, and cause health problems down the road. You could tell him that if his granddaughter talks to the bees while she is playing in the yard near the tree, that the bees might bonk her, that as long as she doesn’t try to pick up the bees, most likely the bees won’t hurt her, unless they are trying to tell her something is wrong with her health, and may sacrifice themselves to point out or try to heal her. Maybe introduce her to a honey bee drone(no stinger). Provide some info about apitherapy, to back up the healing angle. I have a neighbor that was kinda freaking out in conversation, when I mentioned that I’d be raising bees, but even when our fence was down(windstorm damaged, fixed now) and the hive was occupied & visible, never was there any hue & cry raised. What most people don’t know, is swarms are mostly quite calm while looking for a new place to set up hive. Just the bulk of a swarm and possibility of Africanized bees, is frightening. I’ve only read of that problem in the Western hemisphere(Africanized bees). Hope this helps.

By: Sonja Thu, 28 Sep 2017 15:07:31 +0000 Thank you, Jennifer, for your post! I agree with every word you said!
Sorry for you, Stephen. That sounds horrible. A beekeeper friend of mine had a neighbour who also hated every insect with a stinger. Once a swarm settled down on one of his trees. Instead of informing my friend he burnt the bees…..My friend was so upset, so sad and madly angry that he instantly decided to move away. He actually sold his property and now happily lives on a danish island. Since the bees visit plants all over and all around your home, they will surely also visit your neighbours mango tree. Maybe staying really friendly and calm and offering scientific knowledge about poisons – also the effect on human beings – ,the character of bees, the difference between bees and wasps……can help. I hope your neighbour will change his mind soon! I wish you all the best, Jennifer and Stephen! Sonja

By: STEPHEN Sat, 23 Jan 2016 03:58:30 +0000 hallo im after a lil legal advise if anyone can help im in NSW and just starting to enjoy the fun of bees . im being steered by a professional , now what i am asking and need to know is , is there a spacific distance or anything that i need to keep my hives from the neighbour . hes being Stupid as he usually is and says he will spray his mango tree with a poison to kill ANY insects that get on it . stupid as bees polinate hes worried his lil brat grandaughter MAY get stung . the hives are on the other side of my yard for him anyways . just curious on the NSW bee keeping laws . hope someone can advise me . Thanking U stephen

By: Amanda Thu, 21 Jan 2016 21:05:55 +0000 Excellent blog post, Jennifer. You put my own thoughts into words beautifully.
