Comments on: Clean beeswax from kitchen utensils
Mon, 08 Mar 2021 17:46:43 +0000
By: Simon
Mon, 08 Mar 2021 17:46:43 +0000 bought a jar of honey with a honey comb inside it. Every articles out there says it is eatable. But the wax sticks to the utensils and hard to remove. I can’t help myself to ask again if it is really eatable? It taste good!
By: Kerry
Thu, 29 Oct 2020 01:29:04 +0000 and thank you for your information! Did wash wax items in my sink without really thinking about the repercussions. No issues right now, but what can I do to clear out the drain in order to be proactive? Thanks
By: Emma
Sat, 11 Apr 2020 07:11:56 +0000 post explain how to clean beeswax from your kitchen utensils. Beeswax issue of kitchen utensils very important issue. This post solve the problem by this tips. Thank you for the tips.
By: GranolaGirl
Sat, 11 Jan 2020 01:19:46 +0000’ve done exactly what this article says and it works every time.
I made a salve with beeswax, cocoa butter, coconut oil and red palm oil earlier today, I was feeling kinda lazy lol so I put all of the ingredients in a small ball jar and melted it on my coffee burner (drip coffee pot)
It did take a while for the beeswax to fully melt using my lazy girl method but it worked and I only had one spoon to clean.
Total time was roughly three hours, I checked it frequently, and it turned out just as well as using the more traditional method.
By: Peridot
Fri, 05 Jan 2018 21:43:07 +0000 sheets work very well to remove wax from the stove, the floor, utensils, and any hard surface. They leave no residue behind. I pick through the trash at my local laundromat for them.
By: KWick
Thu, 06 Jul 2017 15:32:51 +0000 for the info. Trying to remove wax from moustache brush and comb. I soak in dish soap then put in dishwasher. Works, sometimes.
By: Sue
Tue, 16 May 2017 17:14:19 +0000 does the beeswax reform after a while when I use it to make cannabis salve with coconut oil and hemp seed oil.
By: David
Fri, 22 Apr 2016 05:58:01 +0000 is a very big problem which I think everyone is facing with their utensils. I hope these tips will help people to clean beeswax easily from their kitchen utensils.
By: Jon
Thu, 04 Feb 2016 21:07:08 +0000 a drop of lemon oil (essential oil, not lemon juice) on a paper towel and the wax will usually come off very easily by just wiping the item.
By: Nancy
Thu, 04 Feb 2016 19:23:27 +0000 reply to Sidney Patin.
The vegetable oil combines with the wax making it easier to wipe out.