Comments on: Honey Bees Swarming Fri, 20 Oct 2017 19:41:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Judy Colfack Wed, 04 May 2016 04:16:26 +0000 I was excited to see a swarm of honeybees on one of our trees! I am wondering how far from the swarm site they travel to find a new nest. I would love it if they would stick around. The tree they are in has a hollow in it, I’m wondering if they like that for a home. How does someone get them to stick around if they don’t have equipment? I have been searching the internet and mostly what i find is to have someone remove them for humane disposal or kill them with soapy water. I would hope people don’t really do that. I am an avid flower gardener and we have a lot of bees coming round. I’m allergic to them but they never bother me, I go about my business and they do theirs! I haven’t been stung since I was 10, that was 47 years ago. I taught my children and now my grandchildren not to flip out and panic when they see one. I find bees to be quite easy to work around if you stay calm. They land on me, I ignore them and they go away. We all need to educate our next generations not to be afraid of them, I can’t imagine a world without honey!
