Comments on: 5 COMMON BEEKEEPING MISTAKES Fri, 14 May 2021 02:38:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robin Fri, 14 May 2021 02:38:02 +0000 Great all your thoughts and life experiences . It is my second season in bee keeping and many more years to learn. To date is has been awesome.
Thanks to all for sharing your experiences.

By: Hilary Kearney Sat, 01 Dec 2018 04:21:17 +0000 In reply to Mark Reeves.

Hi Mark,

First thing you need to know is that the foragers are trained to come to the original location of the hive. You can’t move them too far from that location all at one time. Best to bring them down to the ground, leave them a week and then transfer them. For the transfer part, it is best if you can have someone experienced help you. This is what we call a “cut-out” if you watch some YouTube videos you may be able to get some idea of how this works. I never use a vacuum, I am just careful with the bees and try not to crush them. I use rubber bands to hold the combs in the frames. If you can unscrew the hinge lid of the box and pull the thing straight up, that is best. Good luck!

By: Tim Fri, 30 Nov 2018 17:33:46 +0000 Hello Nancy Miller, Try They have Ipk bottom board. It has #8 hardware cloth on top and a metal slide out tray on bottom you fill with mineral oil. As the hive beetles and Varro mites fall in they are coated with the oil and suffocate. Once a week I put a fogger with a mixture of mineral oil and essential oil wintergreen. 1 pint mineral oil ti 15 to 30 drops of wintergreen oil. Stand back about 12 inches pull tray out about 3inches in the back. Fog nonstop. For 12 to 15 seconds. I do this weekly as maintenance. When my apairy inspectors saw this she as amazed. Her response was there has to be over 3000 Varro mites and 200 shb. I told her this is about 3 weeks worth. I saved this to show you. She said I’ve never seen anything like this before. And the inside of this hive has no signs of stress. It’s a 3deep. I told her that’s why there all dead in the bottom of tray. I’ve used these for 3 years, you won’t find a better shb or Varro trap anywhere. Hopes this helps. Tim Schell

By: Mark Reeves Fri, 30 Nov 2018 09:29:49 +0000 Dear Back yard

Thank you for your helpful, professional info it’s such a help to me.

I am a bee bee keeper, 3 months! in Victoria Australia, 

I am totally hooked and read and study the bees and greatly enjoy bee keeping.

We are just coming into summer, I have one strong colony of bees in a longstroth 2 x 8 frame hive.

This colony swarmed from a nearby possum box, that colony has occupied the possum box for the last 18 months. After reading your interesting article on owl boxes, I’d like to ask your advice on how to transfer the colony from the possum box into a new hive set-up.

I am a roofer by trade so no problem getting the box down its only 3mts up a tree. It has one easy to block entrance hole and a removable lid on a hinge. 

I’m registered as a bee keeper with Vic agriculture as we all have to be in Australia and have a problem with small hive beetle. I have installed a beetle and Seperate larvae trap to the hive and it’s been very affective. But of course unable to inspect the possum box hive.

What do you think is the best way to go about things, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Kindest regards.

Mark Reeves.

By: Patti B. Fri, 15 Jun 2018 15:42:07 +0000 I am a second year bee keeper and have ants getting into the front jar feeder and under the top cover. Is there a bee healthy way to deter the small ants? Thanks!

By: ken Thu, 07 Jun 2018 14:30:24 +0000 What am I to do now that my bees are building their home. Is there anything I should be looking for. I opened the top to take out the sugar can and queens little house couldn’t get out the queen s little house already covered with a comb where I took the two middle frames out

By: Nancy Miller Thu, 07 Jun 2018 13:31:07 +0000 Do u have a safe way to get rid of beetles. Thanks a beginner or sort. We have bought bees new for six years and late fall we lose them. Tennessee bee person

By: jeanette Mon, 19 Feb 2018 00:57:20 +0000 In reply to Carl.

First year beekeeper and all of my bees left around October and I have no answers. It makes me feel better (sorry) that it happened to someone with 20 years experience. Did you every figure out why? I believe there was not enough food in my area,

By: Carl Thu, 18 Jan 2018 15:01:18 +0000 I have been a bee keeper now for 20+ years and I still can’t believe how a large hive can up and leave in the dead of winter, the hive is full of stored honey in every box plus bee candy in the top box above the frames, I put in a honey feeder on the very top inside of the hive filled with wood shavings to collect moisture, it’s in all my bee hives. One warm day I noticed that the other hives had bee activity but this hive something was amiss I started to open it and I couldn’t find a single bee?

By: The Hibernation is Over - KM110 Wed, 02 Aug 2017 07:01:07 +0000 […] 5 Common Beekeeping Mistakes Keeping Backyard Bees […]
