Comments on: Beeswax Wood Polish Sat, 20 Jul 2019 13:47:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lisa Sat, 20 Jul 2019 13:47:21 +0000 Which food safe oil would you recommend. One that is not likely to go rancid.
I would like to make a wax suitable for cutting boards as well as furniture.
Thank you

By: Andrea Sun, 22 Apr 2018 04:29:56 +0000 Is 1/4 c solid or melted wax?

By: tweeds horn Sat, 21 Apr 2018 01:56:00 +0000 Great job on the bees wax and oil wood finishes. Is it food safe and for how long. Thank You tweeds

By: Cécile Stelzer Johnson Thu, 30 Nov 2017 17:23:17 +0000 In reply to Erle Hall.

It may be better to dedicate the double boiler to your wax melting. the outside pan, containing only water is not a problem. Removing wax can be done pretty well if while the container is hot and the wax is liquid, you use a paper towel. Go over it a couple of times. I’m talking here about removing clean wax, such as you would use when you make candles.
If you are referring to cleaning a pan in which you had all the gunk of a brood nest comb, the procedure is similar, but you need more “elbow grease”:
Remove all you can from the pan and toss in a few handfuls of sand. You may put it directly on the burner to keep it hot. With gloves so as to not burn yourself, rub the sand all over, until you feel that all the gunk is loose. Toss the sand and proceed with the paper towel as before. It may even be clean enough to put in a dishwasher.

By: Cécile Stelzer Johnson Thu, 30 Nov 2017 17:13:03 +0000 As a beekeeper, I was wondering if it might be a good idea to rub this polish as a wood preserver on the inside of the hives, [before I build the boxes]?
I would think that mineral oil plus perhaps a drop of lemon grass might be really inviting?

By: Al Hildreth Fri, 15 Jul 2016 12:30:27 +0000 When you say 1:3, what I’m reading is 1 part beeswax to 3 parts oil. The beeswax is a dry measure and the oil is liquid. Would it be better to use weight? 1 oz. beeswax to 3 oz. oil? I learned this while working on some recipes because a cup of flour is not always a cup of flour. It depends on the fluffiness in the flour, so a baker told me he uses weight of flour when developing recipes.

With that said, it probably doesn’t matter all that much, since the presence of both wax and oil helps protect the wood.

By: Beverly Rampey Thu, 14 Jul 2016 15:53:15 +0000 how does this mixture work on butcherblock counters? I’m a beekeeper and would love to use my own wax plus oil on my counters.

By: Edda Emery Fri, 04 Dec 2015 23:07:38 +0000 Hello Nancy, Love your idea! Have you ever tried it on outdoor furniture? I’m in Australia and our summers are very hot. Would the furniture wax separate out with the oil soaking into the wood and the wax sitting on top of the wood?

By: Erle Hall Fri, 04 Dec 2015 12:35:40 +0000 How do you clean the double boiler?
