Comments on: So What’s the Deal with the Cheerios Wildflower Seeds? Sat, 08 Apr 2017 22:57:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Sat, 08 Apr 2017 22:57:40 +0000 Well, honey bees aren’t native to North America, right ? I planted my seeds yesterday in a small patch at the local park where mostly we see discarded water bottles strewn about by soccer families. Maybe the flowers will spread and we will have some wild flowers in the future. Today in southern Michigan i spotted the first spring bee checking out tree buds. Happy Spring !

By: Rattlerjake Thu, 06 Apr 2017 21:13:19 +0000 In reply to Donna.

What many people, including so-called experts, don’t understand is that being invasive isn’t always a negative. There are many non-native plants that are beneficial and HARMLESS to the ecosystem which makes their invasiveness a non-issue!

By: Rattlerjake Thu, 06 Apr 2017 21:07:05 +0000 In reply to Richard.

I’ve been beekeeping for 40 years and although I NEVER BUY bees, when I get a swarm, do a cut-out, or split a hive I ALWAYS put at least one frame of used comb in the new hive AND I use a queen excluder between the bottom-board and the brood box and leave it there for at least a month. What this does is prevent the queen from leaving and forces the bees to build comb, store honey, and produce brood; once they have done that they are unlikely to leave. I never have bees abscond. When you are ready to add a super, you simply take the queen excluder from the bottom-board and use it between the super and brood box (if you need to).

By: Richard Thu, 06 Apr 2017 15:26:52 +0000 In reply to Rudolph Davis.

Your bees absconded. I had this happen to me in my first year of beekeeping with one hive out of two. I was really bummed out about it to see $130.00 buzz away in a heartbeat. It made me reconsider if I really wanted to stay in this hobby. So I went online to learn about absconding. The comment in a bee forum made me stay in. “Do not be discouraged, these things happen. Bees are wild animals and will do what they want, when they want.” There was something about the hive or surrounding area that they didn’t like. Bees are biological robots that react to stimuli. I attributed mine to noise. The hive was to close to a busy road. What I do now is put in place an entrance guard with reducer (MannLake #WW-186) and keep it on for 2-3 weeks. I hope this answers your question.

By: Amanda Thu, 06 Apr 2017 14:57:25 +0000 Now if Cheerios would only use oats that have not been sprayed with pesticides and herbicides, that would be a step in the right direction…..

By: Martin Thu, 06 Apr 2017 13:28:38 +0000 I found this article to be somewhat disappointing. Subjectivism rooted perhaps in an immaturity of thought is incapable of providing leadership. The honey bee is the concern. Let us seek solutionary options therein.

By: Sandra Lee Thu, 06 Apr 2017 13:17:35 +0000 In reply to Donna.

In agreement, I have planted my seeds as well.

By: sales ads Mon, 03 Apr 2017 22:28:00 +0000 I am regular vіsitor, hoow are you everybody? This piѕt pօsted at this website is actually good.

By: Rudolph Davis Thu, 30 Mar 2017 23:11:24 +0000 I’m install five packages of bees last week ever thingwhen fine for 6 days keeping plenting syrup then own 7 day im when out and one of the hive no bees they lift so what happen to them??

By: Donna Thu, 30 Mar 2017 01:32:36 +0000 It’s easy to slam the company that makes Cheerios and to berat a family run company such as Veseys… too easy. Nay sayers should be ashamed.. everyone runs around wailing and nashing their teeth about saving the birds and the bees. Good, bad or otherwise, these companies took the leap and did something about it. Could it be tweaked? Maybe… I don’t know.. however, there should be cheering for the effort.. I have my seeds and I will proudly sow them. Thanks Veseys and thanks General Mills… a solid effort and I applaud it. (Caveat: cheerios really should be made with open pollinated oats… please work on that).. however, thanks for the seeds!!!!
