Comments on: Harvesting and Incubating Leafcutter Bees Thu, 17 Dec 2020 23:37:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: BILL Thu, 17 Dec 2020 23:37:30 +0000 Enjoyed the story on the leaf cutter bees, i have seen them behind my shop with several little holes in the red dirt bank, I was wondering what kind they were, thanks again.

By: Brigitte Bilodeau Fri, 06 Nov 2020 16:03:45 +0000 Hi , I have leaf cutter bee house with paper reeds , I thought I should get the cocoon out now and store them safely but the more I read they say to leave them out all winter and harvest in the spring . I started to clean them out and I find many cocoons with holes in them , big and some white worms . I never done this , I bought the bee container to keep in the refrigerator but it was meant for the mason bees . Should I wait and where should I store them over the winter ? I also found bees without cocoon dead and fully developed . So many questions ..thank you

By: Ayleen Thu, 13 Aug 2020 12:50:22 +0000 Do you have a picture of what a vacated leafcutter bee nest looks like? I believe we had one in our front door in the hole where the door knocker used to be.
