Comments on: Bee Bee Tree- Honey Bee Magnet Thu, 19 Aug 2021 02:30:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: william Thu, 19 Aug 2021 02:30:08 +0000 If you’ll kill off the males (pollen producers) then the females won’t make seeds. The females make the nectar that bees love.

By: Helen Hickey Thu, 20 May 2021 16:39:38 +0000 The REDBUD is our state’s OFFICIAL TREE, yet the birds and wind spread that tree’s seeds. It’s NATURE, for Christ’s Sake! Planting in an area on the edge of the treeline and mowing(as we do in our back yard, we are NOT being irresponsible in having a source of much needed forage(nectar and pollen) for our bees when little is available for them in the heat of summer. My guess is that you folks have been brainwashed by Extension Centers.I WAS a Master Gardener and could NOT in good conscience tell people to use chemicals! We actually pot up bee plants and SHARE them with other beekeepers! I suggest that humanity needs to learn to “Bloom where WE are planted and read Doug Tallamy’s “Bringing Nature Home!”

By: Ted Sun, 21 Feb 2021 17:04:33 +0000 Why would you even think of suggesting a tree that is definitely considered invasive in some parts of the U.S.? Possibly MOST of the U.S. I think you give people way too much benefit of the doubt. Do you ever wonder why its not found in local nurseries? As a land manager who deals with invasive plants on a regular basis, I wish you wouldn’t suggest foreign plants for the masses. Leave these for the professionals please.

By: Elisa Morsch Fri, 19 Feb 2021 12:17:12 +0000 Shame on you for promoting the planting of the Bee Bee Tree. It’s a dangerous invasive and recommended planting is irresponsible especially since there are so many wonderful native trees available that support bees, other wildlife, and the environment as a whole.

By: Frank Thu, 20 Aug 2020 17:49:20 +0000 got mine from

By: Bev Fri, 01 Sep 2017 18:21:50 +0000 I want a Bee bee tree, where can I buy it. Please send information
