Is this not the coolest ever?! LEGO Bee Hive. Designed to cover a standard 3 level OATH hive, top layer is the honey box mmmmm! This is a species of Australian Stingless Bee, Tetragonula. . . . Reposting @shane.artisan @lego #tetragonulacarbonaria #stinglessbees #sugarbag #sugarbagbees #tetragonula #habitatsculpture #honey #pollination #pollinating #pollinationstation #beehotel #beeart #bee #savethebees #🐝 […]
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- Pricing Your Honey
- The Great Sunflower Project
- Keeping Hardier Bees
- 8 Proper Beehive Placement Tips
- Extracting Honey Without an Extractor
- DIY Providing Water for Bees
- Garden Plan for Attracting Pollinators
- Hive Inspections During Dearth + Video Tutorial
- Establishing a Successful Bee Garden
- Top 7 Reasons for Cranky Bees