Comments on: Want to Keep Bees? Follow These 7 Basic Steps to Get Started Sun, 21 Mar 2021 21:25:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Keith Sun, 21 Mar 2021 21:25:12 +0000 Very informative. I live in Bahamas, and have 2 hive-boxes in my yard, the bees seem to be building them out pretty good. I will create a water container for they to access water, this week.

By: Visala Thu, 30 Jul 2020 14:38:22 +0000 Hello, great article! Are you a treatment free beekeeper it looks like you live in the Pacific Northwest you said. I am a new beekeeper this year and have a few questions for someone who is a treatment Free beekeeper. If you would be willing to answer him that would be great! Do you use insulation or not it seems to be controversial. Would you feed sugar water after the beers have swarmed And don’t seem to have any honey stored?

By: Ruth Thu, 06 Dec 2018 14:11:36 +0000 …”Package bees are delivered with a queen that has been artificially inseminated,…” you’ve got to be joking, right? A package of bees with an artificially inseminated queen would cost you more than the hive setup alone. Artificially inseminated queens go for $300-$500 a piece.

I’ve followed your work, so I understand the angle that you are writing from, but this article doesn’t contain helpful info for new beekeepers to get started. Michael Bush’s book is fantastic, but it is not a basic beekeeping book.

By: Steve Sun, 08 Jul 2018 16:52:41 +0000 Yes, you’re right! The Practical Beekeeper by Michael Bush is one of the great beekeeping books, thank-you for sharing some others, I’ll take a read!

By: Sharon Sat, 19 Aug 2017 22:45:16 +0000 I am just starting my bees this year and have caught a “swarm” from nearby and now they are doing very well but I have a problem..there are ants in my bee hives I know you are supposed to put a container with oil in it to deter the ants but I would like to know if I could use water instead of oil,,,,or must you use oil and what type oil should be used? Baby oil like for the ant trap on a hummingbird feeder?I would appreciate any hel from you on this!!!!!
