Comments on: 10 Steps to Requeening a Hot Hive Mon, 16 Aug 2021 00:20:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shayne Starkey Mon, 16 Aug 2021 00:20:18 +0000 Just wondering,I’ve heard it said to leave a hive overnight or at least several hours before introducing a new queen. I notice the whole process was done in the same visit. The reason I’m asking is that i attempted to requeen one of my hives in January within hours of removing the old queen to a split. At day 6 I checked and the queen wa out of the cage. I checked agin at day 14 and there were three queen cells in the hive and no sign of the marked queen I’d paid for. The bees went on to rise their own queen so they must have preferred the p genetics of their own queen. What are your thoughts? Shayne Starkey

By: ROCCO Thu, 05 Aug 2021 22:56:26 +0000 Good info on queening.

By: Kelly Sat, 12 Sep 2020 03:37:25 +0000 I’m Kelly .I. in Alpine California. I have a hot hive .The university of California at LA Jolla said 95%of all feral hives in San Diego are Americanized So I called them up I asked if I could bring the some bees in a jar to have them Identfied and they told me that they don’t have the equipment to do that ! I said you guys made the statement we have Americanized honney bees in San Diego ! I’m 3 miles away from Harbison canyon we have JS Harbison honney bees here .witch is common black bees with pure Italion queens .so I want to do the same thing .Introduce pure Italion queens to my hot hive with a split too .I’m thinking of two nuculus boxes with a two queen excluders with common suppers .A two queen hive .maybe get higher productivity .I need pure Italion queens Do you have any you can send me ? Kels

By: Paul Thesinger Sat, 02 May 2020 08:18:04 +0000 Hi,

I have one hive of super aggressive bees. My hives are top bar hives and it is very difficult to find the queen, especially when the bees are so aggressive, stinging me through my suit!! Do I have to find and kill the queen before requeening or can I just put a new queen in and hope for the best?


By: Tom Sat, 31 Aug 2019 14:30:56 +0000 do you put the new queen in the hive right away?
will they make queen cells anyway and kill the new queen?

By: RonC Fri, 29 Mar 2019 01:08:43 +0000 To get away from a hot hive, jump into a vehicle with the air conditioner running. In a few seconds, the bees will fly to the windows to try to escape. Lower the windows about an inch and in short order the vehicle will be cleared of bees. I discovered this trick last summer while working an outlying apiary and finding myself in big trouble.
