Comments on: Fix It: Queenless Hive Full of Drones and Honey Thu, 16 Sep 2021 20:28:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ruthanne Thu, 16 Sep 2021 20:28:19 +0000 I followed the same steps. I think the hardest part was that a small swarm with the laying worker clustered on my near by garden bench. I shook off the bench and moved it. The swarm continued on the ground. I could not get the loyal bees to abandon the laying worker. Finally, we had a good rain and guess the swarm died. I found it distressing. But my new queen is doing well. The hive has calmed down and I have lots of brood!

By: Chad Seibel Fri, 13 Oct 2017 12:42:56 +0000 You said you “were able to requeen”…how did you do that? Did you introduce a new queen or try to get them to make a new queen? I had the exact same situation. I tried to move frames over from my other good hive. I tried four times with no result of a new queen. I put the last frame from the good hive into the queenless hive on 9/17 and saw a queen cell on 9/22. During the inspection last night it looked like the two queen cells did not hatch…not sure what to do from here? Also, when i checked last night, I didn’t see any new brood or see a maiden queen?

By: Mir saeed Fri, 03 Jun 2016 05:59:41 +0000 I catch a swarm last mounth ,and i found out its queen has gone with the wind…so i gave it a frame full of eggs …but bees did not accept…is there any way ?!

By: Burtz Bees Thu, 05 Nov 2015 14:04:43 +0000 This article is in fact misinformation, it has been proven that shaking bees at any distance from hive when laying workers are present while it will help beekeeper channel frustration does not eliminate laying workers from hive. James Tew just did a big study on this, the laying workers can fly, they are not too heavy due to ovary development, and they are older workers whom in fact do know their way back to the hive. Best solution is to combine/unite this hive with and strong queen right colony and problem will resolve itself. If you attempt to requeen that colony those laying workers that you thought you were rid of will ball that new queen. It was previously thought that it was the queen pheromone that suppressed ovary production in worker bees. It has been found that it is actually the pheromones produced by open brood that suppresses this reaction. The other findings are that at any given time even in queen right colonies there are laying workers present. The difference being with open brood present the other workers will remove and eat eggs laid in cells by laying workers. That’s why if a colony goes queen less and it is caught quickly giving a frame of open brood will continue to by you time suppressing the laying workers short term until you requeen it with a mated queen.

By: Bethany Fri, 07 Aug 2015 02:26:33 +0000 I was wondering if you have ever heard of a quean not laying. She is in the hive, and has stoped ! She has room To lay but no eggs!

By: jafar Sat, 14 Feb 2015 12:06:09 +0000 Hello:
First: Happy Valentine for all
I love sharing my experience in Syria:
If the queen died of the cell, we get a second cell of the framework brood (contains suppress contains a virgin) after guest bees brushing him and put the first cell and the bees do the work remaining ..
