Comments on: Bees Collecting Pollen in December Fri, 07 Feb 2020 14:48:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: David Ede Fri, 07 Feb 2020 14:48:04 +0000 I live in carinthia southern Austria at 800 metres. It’s a Sunny day and 5 degrees centigrade. There is a steady procession of bees coming and going from my hive coming back with with pollen in their leg Sacks. Almost all the same yellow green colour. But I am jiggered If I can see a single flower anywhere!!

David Ede
Bergstraße 3

By: Fred Fri, 08 Jan 2016 03:04:07 +0000 Yes…viable concerns. weather here in Arkansas is just as weird this year. (Nov-Jan 2016) I also left stores in all my hives, but have already started feeding sugar cakes. I will be glad when the real spring get here.

By: Sue Thu, 07 Jan 2016 21:40:35 +0000 I am a first year BEEK with 2 hives in mid S Carolina. Are weather is just like in Georgia. My bees are everywhere …I am worried as well. At this time of year much stores will it take to get my hives thru March? I certainly don’t want them to stare to death! They each had a full med super and a few frames in their deep I assume that enough but you know what they say about assumeing. Should I feed them syrup? sugar cakes now so they don’t eat up all there stores…which they will need. Its bound to get cold. 60 and sunny today..bees everywhere

By: CG Thu, 07 Jan 2016 17:38:14 +0000 Every time I read an article or newsletter about recommending feeding bees sugar water…I want to cringe. Over the last 100 years or so this pattern of robbing a hive and then supplementing the bees with sugar water has been such a disastrous mistake. I know many beekeepers have good intentions of mixing up sugar water (or worse yet corn syrup) and thinking they are doing right by the bees. Honey is so important for the healthy survival and regeneration of the hive. We all brag about the miracle benefits found in honey. So do you think the bees need this to survive and feed their babies. Bees were made to proliferate with their magical elixir. That is their food source you strip from them when they need it most in the dead of winter. And we wonder why bees are struggling and why you have to get a new swarm every couple years to replace the ones that died out. Please start harvesting your honey in early spring once you know “for sure” there is enough for the hive. And don’t process it until you know they are resupplying their stores (In case you need to give them back a few more frames).

By: Mark Thu, 07 Jan 2016 13:27:24 +0000 Hi. Keep a eye on your bees like u are doing and they should be fine. And yes they probably think its spring, if the weather doesn’t get to cold they may need a supper long befor normal.
Good luck.
