Comments on: An Indoor Beehive In My Bedroom Wall Mon, 10 May 2021 19:33:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Renee Starkey Mon, 10 May 2021 19:33:38 +0000 I want to know how to find a local person to build me an indoor beehive. How do I find this?

By: JancoPienaar Mon, 22 Feb 2021 13:55:57 +0000 Hi
this is awesome, but…..

Isn’t it to close to a building, or house?
There are some regulations about were to place bees

By: Farmer Brown Fri, 22 Jan 2021 16:45:11 +0000 Thank you for these lovely and inspiring words. Could you explain “I can get it by placing a ball jar atop one of my skeps and the bees will supply me?”

By: James & Jeannie nabers Fri, 22 Jan 2021 13:34:02 +0000 Very Interesting article. At one time our then “Tax Man” had bees living in his home in Pinedale, Al. He brought then with him when he relocated to Trussville, Al. It seems Mr. Haskew was a Man Ahead of His Times.

However, I don’t think it would feasible for many Folks to have bees inside their home; especially if they have a lot of visitors. Many People are allergic to bees for many different reasons. The high cost of the Epi Pen had made it almost impossible for “regular” Folks to keep bees.

My Husband has been around bees all his life. Currently, we have 5 hives but he has shad upwards of 12 – 15. We will continue to keep them for as long as we are able to manage the work load it takes. I am glad there is more focus on keeping bees and I appreciate all those who choose to do so.

By: arthur Thu, 05 Dec 2019 18:09:18 +0000 You have solved my problem. When I move I will build hives into every construction . House, hen house, rabbit house. At present i have
One hive of bees that do not sting and am in the process of building more. I propose to
build house etc in the center of the garden so that the bee’s can pollinate the plants from a central point. Arthur in Paraguay

By: Why Do Some Old Homes Have a Beehive Built Into a Wall? – Repair Water Damage Tue, 29 Jan 2019 19:15:07 +0000 […] put, the practice is called “wall beekeeping,” and people like Susan Chernak McElroy are all about […]

By: Susan Chernak McElroy Fri, 19 Oct 2018 17:58:41 +0000 In reply to Debbie Platt.

Yes, Debbie: Bees on their own are fine. It would seem that all species on their own are fine. We have a remarkable ability to take the exquisite and destroy it. I believe Earth may be getting tired of us! A bee friend of mine says, “I was a beekeeper once, and the bees have forgiven me.”

By: Debbie Platt Fri, 19 Oct 2018 17:26:29 +0000 Hi, I love your answer to Dennis’s question. I too am doing treatment free Beekeeping, for all the reasons you stated. The bees had been living for thousands of years without human intervention, when us humans started keeping and trying to manage them, that was when the bees started having problems. Thank you.

By: Susan Chernak McElroy Thu, 18 Oct 2018 20:23:24 +0000 In reply to Dennis.

Hi Dennis: You have asked me the most common question I get about Wall-hives or skeps (straw hives). Now, because you’ve asked, I’ll tell you the assumptions I’ve made about you: 1)you are familiar with Langstroth hives, frames, and foundation. 2)you believe inspections and treatment are a part of good beekeeping.

Dennis, my management style IS my treatment: I keep very small hives that swarm frequently (most of the six hives in my yard swarm 3-5 times each summer.) Swarming is a wonderful mite treatment. I keep few hives, and I keep them separated to minimize drift between hives. I never enter a hive from the top (which releases the medicinal hive-air bees create as their secondary, external immune system. I only go into a hive from the bottom. And I mostly never go in. Inspections unsettle a hive for many days as they try to repair what your “efforts” have wrought. My hives are all heavily insulated winter and summer, so none of my bees are busy full time managing heat and cold. I don’t feed sugar–ever. Sugar is hard on the honeybee gut, and the gut is the most sensitive, vulnerable aspect of the honeybee.

Bees kept this way rarely suffer any of the common bee diseases save for varroa problems, and my management/treatment style enables my bees to focus their efforts on hygiene, which bees will do when give the time.

If I need honey for my family, I can get it by placing a ball jar atop one of my skeps and the bees will supply me. I don’t harvest or inspect Valentine hive, but honestly, since I can see her full comb face, what more inspection would one need??

Our organization’s beekeeping style is explained in more detail at our website, I know what I’ve written here flies in the face of all the “common knowledge” about bees, but that common knowledge is what has put our honeybees on the precipice of total collapse. I believe–cross my heart and hope to die–that the biggest dangers faced by bees are beekeepers doing conventional practice. If you look for other of my articles in this blog, you’ll see I’m taking a completely different (and easier, cheaper, and more bee friendly…) approach to beeing!

By: Lyss Thu, 18 Oct 2018 18:06:26 +0000 Wow, excellent idea and article for beekeeping/ winter hive tecniques!
I’ve only seen this in outdoor nests built by mother nature.
