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- Pricing Your Honey
- The Great Sunflower Project
- Keeping Hardier Bees
- 8 Proper Beehive Placement Tips
- Extracting Honey Without an Extractor
- DIY Providing Water for Bees
- Garden Plan for Attracting Pollinators
- Hive Inspections During Dearth + Video Tutorial
- Establishing a Successful Bee Garden
- Top 7 Reasons for Cranky Bees
get ready!
To whom it may concern, I am a member of a newly formed bee club. Our goal is to educate people who want to keep bees but need guidance and when needed a mentor. I have been ask to prepare a newsletter each month for the club and have found the task to be extremely formable. Coming up with worthwhile information is very difficult, I do write about what I know and ask other members to contribute when possible. I subscribe to your articles and find them very informative and would like to share them with my club. I have not used any articles to date and will not do so without permission, if permitted to republish your articles I would ensure that due credit is given. The information would only be used in the newsletter which is free to members only. If you cannot give permission for this I understand. I would appreciate it if you know of any open sources of information that we could also use. Thank You.